Hello World!

Howdy, my name is Dave Karle but friends call me DK.

For the last five and a half years I have worked extensively with senior executives from hundreds of companies around the world in the IT industry.

During that time, I have written hundreds of presentations for a variety of purposes. I have worked with executives of the largest companies in the world (Fortune100), from some of the smallest and most innovative (INC500).

I have also had the privilege of working with a former President, a Nobel Peace Prize winner, and numerous business icons.

Along the way I’ve been exposed to just about every type of communication imaginable. Rhetoric only speeches, Visual Presentations, Blogging and Social Media, Video production, Webcasts, Podcasts , and the list goes on.

Like many of you, I have sat through hours and hours of boring, unfocused presentations. I have even bored an audience or two myself with a poor presentation. But experience is a great teacher and I have figured out some techniques and a method that help me create pretty good presentations.

To get to this method I have worked with and learned from dozens of highly successful speechwriters, speech coaches, design experts, and even cognitive scientists. Together with keeping up to date on the state of the art in presenting as espoused by experts such as Nancy Duarte, Garr Reynolds, and Stephen Kosslyn have helped shape this method.

This brings me to why I am writing this blog. I’m interested in starting a dialogue with all of you on what the state of the art in presenting should be. I would like to share what I have learned, show you what I call the Modern Presentation Method, and hear what you ‘all think about it.

Now, I have to admit that I’m not very good at blogging regularly but I’m going to give it a shot. For the next 120 days, I am going to blog every day about subjects that have to do with the Modern Presentation Method.

Come join me and tell me what you think.



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