Introducing Your Organization to the Modern Presentation Method

Change is hard!  Especially within an organization.  People are afraid to move from what is familiar, even if it is sub-optimal, to something that is unfamiliar.  People have been emailing me lately asking how they should introduce the Modern Presentation Method into their organizations.  My answer is simple.  Do it very slowly.  Find the low hanging fruit.  And then fix it.

I recommend you find a presentation that is given regularly in your organization.  Something that is repeated frequently.  Here are some examples.

  • Sellers and Marketers:  Your core “pitch deck”.  The one you use whenever you are presenting on screen to prospective customers.
  • Teachers:  Any class you teach frequently.  Just pick one that looks bad or is too long.
  • Managers and Organizers:  All-Hands meeting.  Team or Project Status meeting.


The next time you need to do that presentation, create a second version of it using the Modern Presentation Method.  Then, when you are reviewing it beforehand with the stakeholders, show them   the before and after versions.  If you did a good job, they will love the new version created with the Modern Presentation Method.

To put my money where my mouth is, I am going to do a before and after of an AAR deck for a training unit at one of the Joint Readiness Centers.  We’ll see if I can get permission to post it so I can show you what I did.

Thanks for tuning in.


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