New Super Green Template – Download it!

All right, it’s Template Thursday.  Today’s Super_Green_Template (Super_Green_Template_vfinal) is great for Pitching or Teaching and has a nice green color scheme.  Steal this and use it for your next presentation.  Let me introduce you to one of the slide layouts in this template.  It’s called the TrendWall.

Trend Wall

A TrendWall is a layout I like to use when I need to tell a complicated story.  In this case, I am using the TrendWall Layout to illustrate my background.  It is a virtual resume of everything I have done post-college.  I often use this layout as a slide where I introduce myself to an audience.


When I show this, the pictures themselves prompt me to tell my story which revolves around my family, my time in the Army, and my time at Microsoft.  Audiences love it, because it is so rich in detail and really helps me connect with the audience.

I have also used TrendWall’s to illustrate complicated problems.  You can use it to hold example photos of the problem at hand.

I have included three different TrendWall layout sets in the template.  Each has individual layouts for 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, and even 15 pictures. 

More on the other layouts in this template in later posts. 

Thanks for tuning in.


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