The Modern Presentation Method Guiding Principles

So what are the principles that underlie the Modern Presentation Method?  What key tenets do I think should guide a presentation method?

Less Is More – A presentation should be of limited length and duration.  The goal is to present the right amount of information in the minimum time.

Standardize and Centralize to Save Time and Improve Quality – Standardize as much of the build process as possible via templates, an organizational graphics library, etc… and reduce the burden on the presenter.  Give them the 70% solution AND THEN let them customize.

Use The Right Tool – PowerPoint is only one of the tools a presenter should use.  Word, Excel, a Whiteboard, a Map Overlay, etc. are all valid alternatives or should be used in conjunction.

Have a Page 2 – If you present on the screen, keep it simple and clear, but keep the details (the Page 2) in the slide notes or appendix.

Dialogue is King – Most presentations are about understanding a situation or driving decisions.  With the exception of Mission presentations, 2-way dialogue should be a focus in every presentation.

Presentation Type Is Critical – There are three types of presentations.  They are (1) Pitching/Leading, (2) Organizing, (3) Teaching.  Use the right one for the right situation.

Outline Before You Build – The first step in any presentation is to figure out what you are trying to say.  Your first stop is the Whiteboard, not PowerPoint so you can get the right goals on paper and the right outline.

A Presentation Drives Action – Every good presentation should drive actions.  Period.

A Presentation Is Based on Goals – Every good presentation has specific goals that are derived from what the briefer is trying to accomplish and what the audience needs.  These must be defined up front.

Visual Presenting Is Here To Stay – Presenters must be competent in Text AND Visual.  Today, most are only competent in text.  This means new training and new techniques for the presenter.

Collaborate or Die – Groups & Teams need common repositories to share information.

Fast or Deliberate – A good presentation method supports the creation of a presentation in a rushed or hasty manner for those last minute fire drills. It also supports creating a presentation is a slower, deliberate manner.  The core steps are the same for both, what differs is how rigorously you apply each of the core steps.

Cradle To Grave – A good presentation method works for junior presenters as well as senior presenters.  This way, presenters only need to learn it once and they can reuse it (albeit with increasing complexity) throughout their careers.

There Is No Substitute For Good Training – Technical proficiency is one of the cornerstones for all high performance individuals and teams.   Today’s presenters receive no training.  This must be fixed!

That’s all, thanks for tuning in.


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