Category Archives: Chart

Charts and Graphs

Today’s post will be a quick one.  These are for all of those people who are creating Pitch or Teaching presentations for onscreen or want a sharp on paper Organizing presentation.  Many times when you want to include a chart of a graph you can’t find one that looks clean enough in the standard chart templates.  Good charts and graphs are instantly understandable so they should be simple, with appropriate colors highlighting the important data, and with a minimum of text.

Well here are two in slide starters.  Blogs_and_Charts_v1

Doughnut Chart

The first is called a Doughnut Chart and it’s pretty self-explanatory.  I have made this one in grey scales so it will work with a large variety of backgrounds.  Multiple successive Doughnut Charts are great if you have one variable that are you are comparing over successive time periods such as year-to-year or quarter to quarter.


Pictorial Graphs

Pictorial Graphs are an even better method for single variable, successive time period comparisons.  The real advantage over Doughnut Charts is you use an icon or picture to represent the variable.  In this case, we could be talking about housing occupancy rates.  Again, simple, colors have meaning, and text is minimized.


Just a little taste, more to come in later posts.  Thanks for tuning in.